I reside In Austin Texas, where I work and play. Currently, I'm Director of Operations for MusicMaster, a software firm providing services to broadcasters around the world. When asked who my customers are, I often say "if you've heard of them, they are probably my customer"
in addition to that role, I own a couple of small businesses, TBSIPro (a technical services company) and Rain-Sense, (a rainwater harvesting service company), and Parker Family Enterprises, a holding company for some of the other things I tinker with.
A very quiet and special greeting of the day in Oregon's Columbia River Gorge in the spring of 1978. It's a very special memory for me and a reminder that you can never go back.
Girls are flowers, peppermint, and giggles that twirl.
Boys are a hungry noise with dirt on it. Especially these two.
The old job has me down.
So, I've decided on a career change to get my juices flowing again and add a little excitement back into my life. In light of this, I've got to take a little "me time" and get started.
Y’all know I’ve had a hog problem around here lately. Those mean, nasty buggars have been tearing up my place pretty bad. I found a solution... Sorta.
The story you are about to read is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent. It's a tale of Government. Well, sort of.
In a monastary far, far away, monks make tiny bells to send messages to the gods. I saw one once.
This is the story of that bell.